Postponed To Be Rescheduled – John Paul Marmonti

Quoting from his artist statement:

I work in a themed series often times in the thought gathering process for years and are compiled from ideas and photos taken long ago or modeled for the collection. 

My paintings are rarely a painted “location snapshot” of one specific place and are  generally  a compilation of  several sources of reference from my photos or sketches from imagination.  Painting a location can be beautiful but it is just not the way I have come to create after now 40 years of creating artwork.  

Inspiration to become an artist came at an early age from my Grandfather who came here from France in 1900.   He was a self taught painter working mainly in Pastel’s and  was a master woodworker.  The simple pleasure of drawing at the kitchen table was a tradition each time he came to visit.

My Father gave me a box of pencils that belonged to my Grandfather when I was young and to this day all of my paintings have a small part of the drawing from one of his pencils, I like that there is a part of his past in every painting I do.”

To visit John Paul’s website and see his many works: