
MAA membership is an all volunteer organization and open to anyone who enjoys art and we would love to welcome you as our newest member! The MAA year begins on the first Monday following Labor Day and continues through June.

Membership Benefits

  • Monthly meetings with speaker presentations or demonstrations on the first Monday of the month.
  • MAA Artist of the Month and MAA Artist of the Year programs.
  • The MAA Website showing your work in the members showcase.
  • Subscription to the MAA monthly newsletter.
  • Multiple shows throughout the year at varied venues.
  • Access to books and videos donated by members for sale to other members at very low cost.
  • The MAA Scholarship Program for New Hampshire high school seniors pursuing an arts education
  • A chance to network and build friendships with fellow artists.

Members Showcase

The MAA Online Showcase is a wonderful opportunity for MAA members to create or increase their own web presence and drive interest to their own site. Inclusion of contact information in the Showcase is a free service provided to MAA members.

Please click on the link to read our Membership by-laws 

If your interested in becoming a member then complete the Membership Application form and either bring to the next monthly meeting with your check (made out to MAA) or Mail to MAA, PO BOX 16713, Hooksett, NH. 03106

Join us and become part of a community of Artists helping Artists

Membership Options

Below is a list of the MAA board members and committee chairs along with descriptions of their duties

    • President: Jim O’DonnellFacilitates the running of monthly, general meetings and the board meetings.
    • Vice President: Rollande Rousselle – Organizes “Art shows” and fills in for the President when needed.
    • Secretary: Joe Sweeney – Takes notes and records all minutes of both general and board meetings.
    • Treasurer: Randy Snyder – Keeps all the financials in order and reports all to the board.
    • Program Director: Howard Muscott – Finds guest speakers for our meetings. Collects their bio info to go in the newsletter the month before; organizes annual banquet meeting.
    • Exhibits Director: Jim O’Donnell, – Is in charge of coordinating and maintaining programs.
    • Librarian: John Webster – Maintains our library of books and DVD’s available to members for purchase.
    • Membership: Rollande Rousselle – Maintains our membership list and contacts.
    • Newsletter Editor: Sharon Allen – Receives from members, newsworthy events, news, shows, awards etc. Sends Press Releases to newspapers.
    • Publicity:  –  meetings and events to online website calendars. Works with Newsletter editor for information.
    • Scholarship: Howard Muscott – Oversees the yearly statewide high school senior scholarship program including recruitment and review of applicants and working with scholarship committe to determine an awardee.
    • Webmaster: Randy Snyder – Maintains our website.
    • Historian: Judy Gelinas Keeps all documents up to date and manages with Google Docs.
    • Meeting Assistants: Judy Gelinas, Paul Ducret Collects all the votes at each meeting for the AOTM program and other miscellaneous things as they come up.
    • Artist of the Month: Paul Ducret– Maintains and when needed finds new AOTM locations for monthly winners to display their art.
    • Facebook: Sharon Allen Administrator involved in keeping facebook postings and groups updated.

MAA also welcomes new patrons and sponsors* at any time.

*Patrons and sponsors do not exhibit or vote.

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